Its been a while since we've had new content here, so I thought I would pick the scab and let it bleed a bit. Kickin it off with a review of the infamous HOTD Blue DOT IIPA. Damn good beer!! I just brought back a few bottles of Blue Dot from the Great Bay Beer Trip and couldn't wait any longer to crack into one. Bottles are labeled Spring 2007, so I guess about a year old now. Noteworthy is the fact that when I popped this bottle, the head spewed for literal minutes. No joke. It went on, and on... and on! I don't know if it was the plane ride or just a mutant strain of yeast, but this shit would not stop. I eventually had to grab another glass to keep from losing all the beer down the drain. Anyways, to the meat:
A: Pours golden/yellow, but quite cloudy. The sediment/yeast flowed from the bottle right into my glass. The beer poured viciously, with never ending bubbly head, but this was tamed by pouring into two glasses.
S: Earthy hops and citrus aroma stand out at first nose. Notes of pineapple and a hay/grass smell are apparent.
T: Bitterness makes itself known, but does not overwhelm. Hops appear, but citrus balances them. I can't help but notice a continuance of pineapple or tropical fruit flavors. Hints of alcohol found, also.
M: Perfect body and balance! A great hoppy, bitter linger, with smooth, but slick wash down.
D: Damn!! Great beer. I knew this was going to be good, but this was REALLY GOOD! I wish I brought more home. It is just so deliciously hoppy and creamy. Keep your eyes open for HOTD wherever you are and grab a Blue Dot if you get the chance.
-Nate (nate_hughes@cox.net)
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