Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lunger's Map of Beer

While I sit at home hacking up lungers, my friends are out enjoying beer. This sucks, so I thought I'd contribute to our blog with the "Lunger's Map of Beer". I've selected some choice breweries as well as favorite places to shop and drink beer within San Diego County. I'll continue to expand the list beyond the area, maybe even throw in a winery or two... or maybe, just maybe there will be a "Lunger's Map of Wine" some day. Maybe today since I'M STILL STUCK AT HOME COUGHING UP A LUNG!! cough.

Lunger's Map of Beer

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wobbly Nuts and Christmas Cheer

Last night I got piss drunk off some New Castle and Baileys. Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 10, 2007

11th Annual Strong Ale Festival 2007

We have been looking forward to this event for the last 2 months. Planning our route out, imagining which beers we will start with, how we will get some free pours, and most importantly how not to get so wasted that I shotgun a bunch of Miller Lite's and buy a $40 rad picture of Bob Marley and never live it down. Pretty much, how do I avoid a repeat of Real Ale 07??? All of us (except Scott, who was nursing a bad case of vaginitis) made it on to the trolley, on to the Coaster and walked over to Pizza Port. It was a chilly & windy day, having rained hard the day before. Once we got in, it was already pretty packed, with some beers gone already! I was most bummed about missing out on the Firestone Parabola Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. The beers that I liked more than others were: Firestone Amber, Stone Oaked Imperial Stout, Port & De Proef Signature Ale, Sierra Nevada Barrel Aged Scotch Ales, and the 4 Peaks Winter Wobbler. Overall, between everybody's tastes that I tasted, I sampled over 30 unique beers. The sausage setup was tasty, and the Stone sauce samplers were awesome. We ended up buying the Ruination Mustard. The Festival seems to be outgrowing its location, it was jam packed. I ended up getting a growler of the Pizza Port Beech St Bitter for the Coaster ride home, killed it between the 4 of us plus new found friends. Also bought a couple of bottles from the bottle shop. Note to self, patent and or invent an ATM card with a breathalizer built in to it. Don't recall the trolley ride home, but now that we made it home safe because we proceeded to open up the bottles we just bought and drank them, because we weren't already drunk. Some people ended up passing out on our floor, woke in the wee hours of the morning not quite sure how they ended up there, and drove home to go to bed. Highlights were the beer, the waiter at the Coyote cafe who sounded like a young Michael Jackson, me not buying a Bob poster, and me not having a hang over. Can't wait for the Belgian Ale Festival.

Vaginitis: I was busy, not much else to say.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sipping in slippers

It's a Monday evening and I'm sitting with my dog Pepper sleeping under my feet, I have a log burning in the fireplace and I'm sipping on one delicious ale. The Trader Joe's 2006 Vintage Ale brewed by Unibroue is a "Dark ale on lees" with a 9% alc/vol. This beer has a toasty flavor with a very bubbly bubbly, similar to a champagne. Each sip is a caramel dream in the back of an El Camino rolling on dubs. I've finished off 2 bottles and I my beard smells like a brewery. Does it get any better than this? Bottom line, buy this beer and drink it with friends. Or drink it with your dog.