Saturday, June 20, 2009

50lbs of (awesome) beer!

So this past Friday, Fedex showed up at my work with an 18x18x18 51.3lb box of the finest beers available. This was all courtesy of's jtrockchalk and the Gentlemen's Club BIF.

As you can imaging, I was blown away to receive such a large package, but even more stunned when I opened it and found:

Midnight Sun Artic Devil
Two Brothers Hop Juice
FFF Dreadnaught
Dark Lord 09
DFH Red & White
Schlafly Reserve Barleywine 2007
Weyerbacher Riserva
Boulevard Imperial Stout
Boulevard Saison Brett
Surly Cynicale
Bell's Hopslam x 2
Avery Brabant
Voodoo Black Majic
Struise Black Albert
Struise Mikkeller IIPA
Founders KBS

Thursday, June 11, 2009

NYC (beer) Trip in the works

So I've made plans to visit friends in New York City in late July. I can't wait to hit some great NYC beer spots. Got tips? Let me know.

Looking forward to:
Brooklyn Brewery
Blind Tiger
Capt. Lawrence Brewing Co.
Spuyten Duyvil

It'll be great I'm sure. Pictures and empty bottles to follow.